Monday, December 08, 2003


i vowed not to forget this, but it's an issue that just doesn't come easy to me; it just seems to always smack me right in the face! And why sis that? Well, i don't know, but today while working in the ER, and i have experienced this in the past as well, not just today, that a spanish-peaking patient came in and did not speak any english. Her son was with her and he didn't speak it either. the nurse working with me in triage and the patient business lady who happened to be there got pissed off at the lady cuz she didn't speak english. "Do you live here??!!!" the loud-mouthed business girl sarcastically said, implying that anyone living in amerika should speak it, without looking at the woman. she was trying to talk down to the woman cuz she and the nurse, as well as many many other nurses in the ER that i workwith, believe that everyone that lives in amerika needs to speak english! why should they? did the first immigrants speak english/?? i dont think so! they were spanish and portugese! the english came much much laaaaaaater! in fact, england was too pompous to fund someone in search ofthe new world cuz they were too 'bloody' busy exploiting africa and what such!
Not to preach about history, but more than one state in america was named after some native american, spanish, or french someone or something. the name America itself is named after some italian, and he probably DID NOT NOTSPEAK english. So why should any immigrant coming here? cuz it' s better? after all, the americans hated the english so much that they kicked them the hell out! so why use english as a languag? cuz it's CONVENIENT and hey, it's not really English per se, it's american slang! it's a prototype of english! infact, shakespeare won't even understand us and most likely call the most educated of Americans a barbarian for speaking in such a dialect!
supposedly the holocaust and every other damned war or event caused by human wreckage has taught us today some tolerance but as i learned today, it has not. not even amongst those of us working in a field that depends on compassion, care, dignity, empathy, dedication and most of all, TOLERANCE!
it's disgusting and i was disgusted. now, you are probably reading this and saying, "well, i believe that everyone in america should speak english cuz we allspeak english!" let me ask you this: do you know what the official language of the United States is? ok, i didn't think so. it's because you dont have any damn tolerance to know something about your country, or anyone else for that matter.

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